The future depends on what we do in the present.
– Mahatma Gandhi

Sure, I wrote. And I have to say, I did get some great stuff accomplished. But, if I had worked on a more consistent basis, I believe I’d be further along and ready to send off one of my manuscripts before the end of this summer. Sigh.
So now’s the time to get back on track. Move back into the groove and get back into my regular routine. And to do this, I have to start back in again with the…say it with me, folks…the 30 Day Challenge. Anyone ready to do this with me?
I’m on vacation this week and probably won’t post until next Tuesday. The 30 Day Challenge will start officially next Tuesday, September 4th and will end on October 3rd, 11pm, EST.
As for prizes…hmmm…let me think about this one and see if I can come up with something interesting. But truly, the biggest prize will be getting your habits and routines back on track after a relaxing summer. Right?
If you’re in for the Challenge, let me know in the comments by next Tuesday, September 4th, and we’ll get back on track together! So whatever habit you need to get back on track with to reach your dream. Are you with me?