If you didn’t have a chance to stop by the readergirlz chat with Kristin Cashore last night, you can still go over and read the transcript. Kristin was awesome, GRACELING much loved, the conversation delightful, and I’m going to go all fangirl here–not only were we lucky to have Kristin who wrote my favorite kick-butt novel of last year…Megan Whalen Turner was there! Megan Whalen Turner of the fantastic ATTOLIA series! Truly a wonderful surprise.
Write-a-Scene Writing Prompt: Today’s your MC’s lucky day! Write a scene where your protagonist receives an unexpected surprise of the good kind. ie: a love note, a phone call, a fantastic prize, a visit from the fairy godmother, a glance from a much wanted admirer, finding out he/she is the heir to an incredible fortune, etc. This should be fun scene to write, after all the conflict building and crazy emotion we’ve stirred up these past few days. Remember to think happy, happy thoughts and the luck will surely rub off on you.