“First say to yourself what you would be;
and then do what you have to do.”
I love this quote. Isn’t it the perfect mantra to remember when working on all those New Year’s Resolutions? Okay. Maybe you’re not a fan of New Year’s Resolutions. What if we keep the peace and call them Goals, Dreams, or Wishes. Or maybe it’s your To-Do List or the Things You’d Like to Do Before You’re 100.
No matter what you decide to call your resolutions, focus on YOUR goals. Take charge of your life and work toward your dreams. If you have time Make the time to tell yourself what you would like to be and map out what you need to do to get there. Sounds like hard work…maybe something that can wait for another time?
Ahhh. Do not be afraid. We’ll cheer you on. There’s a lot of work to be done, but if you break it down into teeny, tiny steps, you’ll be surprised how much easier it becomes. All you have to do is start with one baby step. Now, take another. You CAN do it. Let the real fun begin!
Go DO it. Make a commitment to yourself and make things happen in your life. You deserve an incredible life, surrounded by people you love and something you love to do. Here’s to a wonderful year of beautiful dreams, great adventures, and the courage to believe and plan in the “I can.”
Happy New Year!
Write-a-Scene Writing Prompt: Everyone dreams to BE something. Write a scene where your MC comes to terms with what he/she wants to be. Will this be easy to accomplish? What sacrifices need to be made? Who or what stands in the way? Who will cheer your protagonist on to the end? Bring on the conflict and emotion. Have fun!