I made my third grader cry today. And I only have Clementine to blame. Okay, fine. I blame myself.
We went to the library today, and the Clementine audiobook was available. My daughter likes to read books while she listens to the audiobooks. It helps her process the words and focus on what’s going on in the story. Especially when the actor/actress reading the audiobook is good.
In the first chapter of the book, there’s a haircut mishap. Combine art, something stuck on hair, scissors, and friends…and there can only be trouble. You’d think this would be enough to deter my child from thinking about her hair. Let alone wondering whether she’d look good if I cut a couple inches from her hair. But, no.
My daughter persisted and I gave in. Yes, I admit. It was a momentary lapse in judgement.
Her hair looks really nice. There are pretty layers that flip up and her hair looks healthy and thick. But. It’s too short. Edited to Add: See her pretty hair?
There were tears. And shouts I ruined her life. And it brought me back to when I was nine-years-old and my mom had cut my hair too short.
My daughter finally quieted down when her sisters admired her hair and wanted haircuts like hers. They saved me…big time.